In the News

The discovery could lead to new treatments to prevent deadly cytokine storms, and may explain why people with diabetes have worse outcomes.


A “smart containment strategy” for COVID-19 that focuses on testing, tracing and quarantining the infected could save the U.S.


Fire ants common along the Gulf Coast and in Texas are likely limiting the spread of a meat allergy carried by lone star ticks – but the invasive ants have a nasty bite of their own.


The technique, developed at UVA, replaces scalpels with sound waves to battle glioblastoma.


Three friends saw a need – and came up with a strategy to help fight COVID-19.


Chemical engineering associate professor Bryan Berger and his research collaborator are combining the power of mathematical modeling with rapid lab testing technologies to fast-track crucial answer


The integrated Translational Research Institute of Virginia, a partnership between UVA, Virginia Tech, Carilion Clinic and Inova Health System, has announced its fourth class of scholars.


Having hyper-controlling parents at age 13 predicts less support in romantic relationships by the age of 29, a lower likelihood of even being on a relationship at 32 and less academic achievement b
