
For information on U.S. government sponsors' requirements, communications, and other guidance related to undue foreign influence, please visit the Sponsor Information page of this website.


New Training Course Available!

CITI's new Undue Foreign Influence: Risks and Mitigations course is now available to all UVA faculty, staff, trainees and students as part of our institutional subscription. There are four modules (25-35 min. each) and all must be completed to receive credit for the course but they do not have to be completed in a single session:

  1. Introduction to Undue Foreign Influence Impacts and Concerns in Academia;
  2. Reporting, Research Integrity, and Effective Practices to Manage Undue Foreign Influence Risk;
  3. Cybersecurity and Compliance Considerations for Safeguarding Research; and
  4. Nondiscrimination Considerations When Managing Undue Foreign Influence.

The CITI VPR Training Instructions document provides information on accessing CITI training content.

UVA Resources

University Policies

  • Faculty Holding Appointments at Other Institutions or Organizations (PROV-009)
  • Faculty External Consulting and Internal Overload (HRM-045)
  • Financial Conflicts of Interest for Research Investigators (RES-005)
  • Employee Obligation to Report Potential Conflicts of Interest (FIN-054)
  • Managing Export and Sanction Compliance in Support of University Activities (FIN-043)

Note:  These and other University policies are available in the Policy Directory.  Depending on an individual’s appointment, they may also be required to comply with policies and other requirements established by the Provost’s Office, Medical Center, Health System, College at Wise, and/or their College or School.

Provost’s Office Requirements & Guidelines

Other Institutional Guidance

Have a question or concern about foreign influence?

Looking for more information or training on foreign influence?

Higher Ed Associations & Organizations

Council on Governmental Relations (COGR)

  • Science and Security website compiles recent news articles; COGR meeting presentations, reports, papers and comment letters; and other resources related to undue foreign influence and associated topics.
  • 1/14/20:  Framework for Review of Individual Global Engagements in Academic Research. This Framework was developed by the COGR Research Ethics & Compliance Committee as a tool to assist institutions with review of individual disclosures of relationships with international organizations. It provides an underlying structure to support the institution's analysis of outside engagements, assess potential risks, and develop strategies for mitigation; it is not prescriptive but rather allows each institution to adapt the Framework based on their policies, approaches, levels of foreign involvement, and risk tolerance.
  • 12/19:  Commentary on Disclosing Other Support and Other Resources in Research Funded by the National Institute of Health. This document summarizes COGR's current understanding of of the NIH requirements based on what COGR and its members understand from various NIH representatives in public meetings and other open discussions since the July 2019 publication of NIH Notice NOT-OD-19-114 Reminders of NIH Policies on Other Support and on Policies related to Financial Conflicts of Interest and Foreign Components and the accompanying FAQs.


Association of American Universities (AAU)

  • 5/19/20:  Updated Effective Practices Summary (University Actions to Address Concerns about Security Threats and Undue Foreign Government Influence on Campus). A joint publication by AAU and APLU compiling practices in place or being implemented at member institutions.
  • 10/19:  Science and Security Resource Document. (10/19)  Details steps that universities have taken to be more vigilant over the security of research facilities and programs and measures; ensure compliance with rules relating to export controls, dual use research, and classified information; and to address concerns related to undue foreign influence on university campuses.
  • 6/5/19:  Statement on National Security Oversight Opportunities and Policy Solutions.  Submitted to the Senate Finance Committee outlining the important work universities do to protect scientific research efforts.
  • 4/22/19:  Effective Practices Summary.  A joint publication by AAU and APLU compiling practices in place or being implemented at member institutions to address growing concerns about security threats and undue foreign influence.


Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU)


America Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC)

Scientific & Research Organizations

Coming soon...

USG Oversight Agencies & Offices

For information on U.S. government sponsors' requirements, communications, and other guidance related to foreign influence, please visit the Sponsor Information page.  Recent federal criminal charges and convictions that broadly fall under the umbrella of undue foreign influence are available on the Enforcement Actions page. 



Presidential Actions

Office of Science and Technology Policy & Joint Committee on the Research Environment (JCORE)

JCORE was established by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) in May 2019.



Senate Subcommittee on Investigations

Senate Committee on Finance

  • 12/17/20: The Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on Federal Research: Agencies Need to Enhance Policies to Address Foreign Influence prepared for the Senate Committee on Finance was released. The report addresses findings and recommendations related to both financial and non-financial conflicts of interest. GAO is making nine recommendations to six agencies, including that grantmaking agencies address non-financial conflicts of interest in their COI policies and develop written procedures for addressing cases of failure to disclose required information.



  • 5/4/20:  Letter to the Department of Education from the top House Republicans requesting information yielded by its ongoing probe into U.S. universities’ underreporting of funding from foreign sources.  The seven signatories were the ranking members of the following House committees:  Oversight and Reform; Education and Labor; Homeland Security; Science, Space, and Technology; Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; Armed Services; and Foreign Affairs.







Higher Education Act, Section 117, website provides links to resources related to foreign gift and contracts reporting requirements and ongoing investigations/reviews being conducted.







Federal Bureau of Investigations

China Initiative



  • 12/11/19:  Fundamental Research Security. A report by the independent science advisory group JASON commissioned by the NSF to enhance the agency's understanding of the threats to basic research posed by foreign governments and provide the agency with actionable policy recommendations for improving security while maintaining openness. See the NSF news release 19-023 for additional context.